
Brain Signal Analysis Of Meditation And Its Impact On Concentration And Diluted Modes

By April 14, 2020 October 23rd, 2020 No Comments

Hussain Alhassan, Dr. Navarun Gupta

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Issue 2, Volume 7, February 2016, Pages 256–259


Procrastination occurs when the brain switches from one mode to another to meet the situational requirements. Procrastination can lead to frustration if a subject lacks experience to commute between two modes of different thought. The primary cause stems from lack of assurance in one’s ability to perform a task. To alleviate this problem, researchers have found a way to “fool” the brain from negative to positive affirmation. In this paper, we show brain signal changes occurring during people’s interaction with non-familiar situations (diluted mode), and their performance during familiar activity (concentrated mode). We observe cerebral cortex signals from the participants using electroencephalography (EEG). Participants were induced to switch from a concentrated mode to a diluted mode by means of a narrow questionnaire. EEG signals revealed a shift from ± 200 µV (naturally occurring during concentrated mode) to twice the initial signal (indicating a shift to diluted mode). Investigators then supplied participants with techniques to overcome their shock upon questioning. Brain signals returned to normal levels.