Ken Ware, Elio Conte, Riccardo Marvulli, Giancarlo Ianieri, Marisa Megna, Enrico Pierangeli, Sergio Conte, Leonardo Mendolicchio, Flavia Pellegrino
World Journal of Neuroscience May 2015 Volume 5, Number 2
In this case report we study the dynamics of the SMR band in a subject affected from Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy and subjected to Ken Ware Neuro Physics treatment. We use the Generalized Mutual Information (GMI) to analyze in detail the SMR band at rest during the treatment. Brain dynamics responds to a chaotic-deterministic regime with a complex behaviour that constantly self-rearranges and self-organizes such dynamics in function of the outside require-ments. We demonstrate that the SMR chaotic dynamics responds directly to such regime and that also decreasing in EEG during muscular activity really increases its ability of self-arrangement and self-organization in brain. The proposed novel method of the GMI is arranged by us so that it may be used in several cases of clinical interest. In the case of muscular dystrophy here examined, GMI enables us to quantify with accuracy the improvement that the subject realizes during such treatment.